
Golbat Configuration

This documentation outlines all available configuration keys for Golbat. It is important to note that the presence of a configuration key does not necessitate its specification in your config.toml file. The advised approach is to start with the standard configuration file from the repository. Only append additional keys to this base file if there is a need to alter Golbat's default operational parameters.


This page is still under construction

Root Section

port = 9001                  # Listening port for golbat
#grpc_port = 50001           # Listening port for gRPC.
raw_bearer = ""              # Raw bearer (password) required
api_secret = "golbat"        # Golbat secret required on api calls (blank for none)
pokemon_memory_only = false  # Use in-memory storage for pokemon only. This only disabled Golbat from writing to the Pokemon Table. The in memory tracking is always enabled.

Koji Section

url = "http://{koji_url}/api/v1/geofence/feature-collection/{golbat_project}"
bearer_token = "secret"

Cleanup Section

pokemon = true          # Keep pokemon table is kept nice and short
incidents = true        # Remove incidents after expiry
quests = true           # Remove quests after expiry
stats = true            # Enable/Disable stats history
stats_days = 7          # Remove entries from ["pokemon_stats", "pokemon_shiny_stats", "pokemon_iv_stats", "pokemon_hundo_stats", "pokemon_nundo_stats" after x days
device_hours = 24       # Remove devices from in memory after not seen for x hours

Logging Section

debug = false
save_logs = true
max_size = 50           # Size in MB
max_backups = 10        # Amount of files to keep
max_age = 30            # Day(s) to keep files
compress = true         # Compress to gz archive

Database section

user = ""                  # Database username
password = ""              # Database password
address = "" # Address with port for the database
db = ""                    # Database table name
max_pool = 100             # Max pool connection to allocate to the database

PVP Section

enabled = true
include_hundos_under_cap = false

Scan Rules Section

⭐ Advanced Option ⭐

With Scan Rules you can modify the behavior globally for all areas or for specific areas using

wild_pokemon = false   # disables Pokémon without iv from the gmo (waits for encounter)
nearby_pokemon = false # disables cell/pokestop Pokémon
# insert example for a specific area

Sentry Section

Pyroscope Section

Test Fort In Memory Section

Tuning Section

⭐ Advanced Option ⭐

extended_timeout = true
max_pokemon_results = 3000

Prometheus Section

enabled = false  # Enable or disable the Prometheus endpoint for external reporting

Webhook section

You can specify more than one webhook destination by including the [[webhooks]] section multiple times. The hook types can optionally be filtered by using the types array

url = "http://localhost:4201"
# types if specified can be...
# types = ["pokemon", "pokemon_iv", "pokemon_no_iv", "gym", "invasion", "quest", "pokestop", "raid", "weather", "fort_update"]
# "pokemon" includes both with ivs and without. "pokemon_iv" will only be encountered pokemon. "pokemon_no_iv" may be nearby pokemon that have not been encountered (yet).
#url = "http://localhost:4202"
#types = ["raid"]
#url = "http://localhost:4202"
#types = ["raid"]
#areas = ["London/*", "*/Harrow", "Harrow"]