Hybrid Setup

Hybrid Setup


This legacy solution is only required if you are using a legacy client and RealDeviceMap (RDM).

This will allow you take advantage of Golbat's parsing.

Using RDM Raw Reflection

As of RealDeviceMap (RDM) version 1.51.0 (July 11, 2023) you can use the built-in raw forward option. Some notes:

  • This only works with the json config option
  • Disabling application.process.pokemon and application.process.incident are optional however they will save on disk IO
  • When application.process.pokemon is disabled:
    • "Pokemon IV" instances will not function
    • RDM frontend will not display pokemon

Example configuration:

    "application": {
        "rawForward": {
            "url": "http://yourGolbat:9001/raw",
            "bearer": "yourGolbatBearerSecret"
        "process": {
            "pokemon": false,
            "incident": false