

This page includes definitions for most of the commonly used components used within the Unown# stack.


Niantic Pokemon Trainer Club (PTC) accounts that can be used with the Pokemon Go application.


Areas encapsulates a Geofence, Routes, and scheduled events. Koji can drastically speed up your ability to create and manage these as your Areas grow or change.


Devices are physical objects that generally run iOS or Android in order to play the Pokemon Go game.

numWiEnc (Golbat database table)

Number of pokemon that initial scanned as wild, lateron encountered

rpl (Golbat database table)

Reporting length (period), stored for intervals 5, 15, 60, 1440 and 10080 minutes

secWiEnc (Golbat database table)

Sum of seconds between seen wild and encountered


Proxies are used by workers in order to login to the PTC service. Generally as you scale up in operations and have more workers a proxy will be required.

Level Mode

This mode can be used to send workers on a pre-defined route in order to catch Pokemon and spin Pokestops. In turn accounts will gain experience and reach level 30. Once level 30 has been reached the worker will be re-assigned a new account to start leveling.

Scout Mode

This mode can be considered an On-Demand scan mode. Once workers are added to this pool end users can use a tool like ReactMap to send workers to specific locations around the world. Useful to get data for rare pokemon or locations outside of regular scan regions.

MITM client

MITM (Man in the Middle) client is a third party solution, normally paid, that is required to collect game data. Unown# is not affiliated with any particular provider.

Websockets (ws://)

Websockets are a standard communication protocol much like web traffic that occurs over port 80/443. Multiple Unown# services use websockets to allow for two way communication between client and server over a single TCP connection. If you visit an endpoint in your browser that is serving websocket traffic you will be greeted with a "Upgrade Required" message.


Workers are added to a pool inside of Rotom which can be allocated by Dragonite to different Areas. Physical device creates 1-many workers which can then handle different scanning tasks.


GMO stands for "Get Map Objects" and refers to the process of getting the map objects from the Pokemon Go servers, or the data that is displayed on the map itself.